A new partnership in the fight to Hepatitis
The European Patients’ Association (ELPA) is proud to announce the signature of a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination (CGHE) – Task Force for Global Health. The MoU was signed by Mr. Marko Korenjak, President of ELPA, and Dr. John Ward, Director of the Coalition on April 20, 2021.
To ultimately reach the global hepatitis elimination goals, partners will have to work together to accelerate progress. This agreement represents a step forward in this direction by bringing together two key global stakeholders in the fight for hepatitis elimination. The two organisations will work together to advocate for additional international and national commitment to hepatitis elimination and develop resources and opportunities to strengthen hepatitis prevention, testing, and treatment programs, with the end goal of improving the lives of people living with hepatitis B and C.
Specific activities of collaboration between the two organizations may include: developing national hepatitis elimination profiles; establishing or promoting local hepatitis elimination coalitions; developing educational webinars; and convening key partners to discuss programmatic and policy challenges. Look out for announcements on upcoming events and opportunities.
ELPA does look forward to this collaboration!
More information on the organizations:
Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination (CGHE). To catalyze progress toward achievement of the goals for viral hepatitis elimination globally, the Task Force for Global Health (TFGH) launched CGHE in July 2019. Modeled after other TFGH disease elimination programs, the CGHE works to eliminate hepatitis B and hepatitis C by strengthening the capacity of national and sub-national elimination programs through technical assistance, knowledge generation, and advocacy among partners united in a community of practice. Over 100 HBV and HCV programs have joined the Coalition.
The European Liver Patients Association (ELPA), based in Brussels, Belgium is an umbrella association representing 31 members form 25 countries. ELPA’s aim is to promote the interests of people with liver disease and in particular: to highlight the size of the problem; to promote awareness and prevention; to address the low profile of liver disease as compared to other areas of medicine such as heart disease; to share experience of successful initiatives; to work with professional bodies such as EASL and with the EU to ensure that treatment and care are harmonised across Europe to the highest standards.
ELPA’s one of the main activities are:
Representing and supporting ELPA members (to encourage, educate, …)
Advocacy for patients’ voice on European level
Communication and collaboration with pharma industries
ELPA is a part of EMA’s PWCP
Organizing high level events in European Institutions
Involvement in several EU Projects representing patients’ needs and experiences
Very successful profiles on social media, as a way of reaching also general public