Bridging the Gap: Collaborative Efforts on Liver Health, Obesity, and Diabetes
The European Liver Patients’ Association (ELPA) successfully organised the landmark event, ‘Bridging the Gap: Collaborative Efforts on Liver Health, Obesity, and Diabetes.’
With the collaboration of the European Coalition for People Living with Obesity (ECPO) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) – Europe, The event was held in Lisbon, Portugal, on November 29-30, 2024. This two-day meeting brought together patients, medical experts, and advocacy leaders to address the complex interplay between liver diseases, obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, fostering collaboration across disciplines.
Day 1
The event began with a warm welcome, setting the stage for discussions on patient involvement in healthcare policies by Prof. Dr. Rui Tato Marinho (University Hospital Center of North Lisbon), Marko Korenjak (President, ELPA), Vicki Mooney (Executive Director, ECPO), Iryna Vlasenko (Vice President, IDF), and David Kelly (Operations Manager, Global Heart Hub). The plenary session featured insights from a diverse panel of experts. First, Dr. Ana Sofia Martins and Dr. Sofia Trantza (PRAC Committee Representatives, EMA). Then, the discussion ‘Intersecting Paths: Addressing Overlapping Issues in Liver, Diabetes, and Obesity’ emphasised holistic care and collaborative solutions for these overlapping health challenges featuring Prof. Rogerio Ribeiro (Portuguese Diabetes Association), Dr. Jonathan M. Hazlehurst (University of Birmingham), Neus Llarch Alfonso and Dr. Isabel Graupera (Hospital Clínic of Barcelona).
The afternoon’s workshop, led by Prof. Serena Barello (University of Pavia), Dr. Ximena Ramos Salas (EASO), and Prof. Sarah Bigi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), focused on empowering patient advocates to advance systemic change and achieve better health outcomes. The workshop titled ‘Breaking Stereotypes and Countering Stigma: Strategies for Effective Patient Advocacy’ aimed to equip participants with insights into how stereotypes are formed, the impact of stigma on persons with a disease experience, and strategies for reframing language in public campaigns to foster positive change.
Day 2
The second day continued with a hands-on workshop featuring Prof. Barello, Dr. Ramos Salas, and Prof. Bigi. This second part of the workshop explored strategies to enhance advocacy and strengthen collaboration among patient organisations addressing liver health, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. The event concluded with a networking lunch, celebrating the collective commitment to advancing patient care and fostering collaboration between experts and advocates. ELPA thanks all participants for their invaluable contributions and looks forward to building on this momentum to address pressing health challenges across Europe.