ELPA Educational Training – DAY FOUR, 25th November 2020
The fourth day of ELPA Educational Training on November 25, 2020, was once again entirely dedicated to presentations from Pharma Companies. The meeting started with ELPA President Marko Korenjak welcoming everybody.
Dr. McWherter, the representative of CymaBay, delivered the first presentation. He went deep into the work the company is doing concerning Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC). He stressed that unmet needs remain despite existing treatments. Then, he presented a new promising therapy and the related stage of clinical trials and results. The last part of his presentation was dedicated to this new drug’s safety in patients with PBC. This session was characterized by the attendees’ involvement. They were able to ask many questions and discuss this topic with both of the representatives of CymaBay who were participating in ELPA training. Their attention was brought by some participants to the importance of extending clinical trials involving as many countries as possible.
After the break, some representatives from Gilead took the floor. This presentation was composed of 3 parts. The introduction by Mr. Bowman gave an overview of Gilead’s involvement in liver diseases. Dr. Salehi followed with an insight of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC), and he added more details regarding the evaluation of an investigational therapy by Gilead. Dr. Vanstraelen shifted the attention to Hepatitis C, presenting some elimination programs supported by Gilead. The Q&A session was the occasion to ask the speakers about Gilead’s work in other liver diseases such as NASH.
Before the end of the meeting ELPA Vice President, Julio Burman reminded everybody of the topics of the next Wednesday’s ELPA Educational training webinar, inviting the audience to join on December 2, for the last exciting ELPA training day.