ELPA Pre-Summit on NAFLD – patient’ perspective meeting held on 26th September 2019 in Seville, Spain.
ELPA was one of the biggest social media influencer on NAFLD Summit.
Fatty liver problem will be one of the biggest issue in Europe in the next decade. ELPA is very happy that also doctors are recognizing the importance of patient’ Pre-Summit events, such as this one. ELPA Pre-Summit on NAFLD successfully reached the objectives – to highlight the importance of patient as a centre of the treatment, to have a scientific discussion on NAFLD and NASH with well-known speakers and most of all to hear the experience from patients themselves.
The event has been organised by ELPA Scientific Committee leader,Dr. Teresa Casanovas Taltavull. ELPA Pre-Summit has been moderated by Prof. Gamal Shiha and Dr Salvador Augustin. Prof. Manuel Romero Gomez presented NAFLD overview and the impact of the correct diagnosis and management. Prof. Elena Maestre gave a very interesting presentation with practical guidance regarding a good nutrition and lifestyle. Prof.Helena Cortez-Pinto spoke more about NAFLD, Public Health and education strategies in Europe.
ELPA has had a privilege to hear patient’ personal experience of bariatric surgery andlife with transplanted liver. Dr. Maria Mercadal gave an overview of solving children obesity and NAFLDand also she presented some of the projects in Europe focused on childhood obesity.
This meeting met the objectives, to offer information
for patients and from patients. In addition we had the opportunity of translation English-Spanish or Spanish-English and this can be seen on the presentations recorded videos
Simultaneous translation has been secured through the whole meeting for English and Spanish speaking attendees. ELPA also collaborated with a video professional who will provide a short video with highlights as soon as possible. You will be able to see the video on ELPA’s social media platforms.
Below please find social media analytics results on ELPA Pre-Summit on NAFLD on 26th September 2019.Our biggest fans were @EASLnews, @EASLedu and @NASH_Education.
ELPA’s Twitter account on ELPA Pre-Summit on NAFLD had 29 Mentions, 21.6K Mention Reach, 291 Likes, 200 Retweets, 290K Retweet reach. All together we reached 531.8K impressions between 26th and 28th September 2019 days on ELPA’s Twitter.
ELPA was one of the first 3 Top influencers on #NAFLDSummit!
ELPA Pre-Summit on NAFLD has been officially endorsed by EASL
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