European Liver Patients’ Association released the 2016 Hep-CORE Report on the state of viral hepatitis policy and practice in Europe in Berlin on December 20th. This report, conducted under the direction of Prof. Jeffrey V. Lazarus of ISGlobal, University of Barcelona, reveals the sobering results showing that fifty-two per cent (52%) of surveyed European (25) and Mediterranean Basin (2) countries lack national strategies to address viral hepatitis B or C, despite the WHO World Health Assembly resolution calling on all countries to have one. Only three of these countries have access to the new, highly effective medicines (directacting antivirals) for hepatitis C without restrictions.
With the design of the Hep-CORE Report, ELPA has looked to a unique approach. The data were collected from local specialists in each country. The research team asked one patient group in each of ELPA’s 27 member-country to complete a 39-item survey about various aspects relating to HBV and HCV: overall national response, public awareness and engagement, disease monitoring and data collection, prevention, testing and diagnosis, clinical assessment, and treatment.
<< Disease monitoring and data collection, prevention, testing and diagnosis, clinical assessment, and treatment. >>
In the video below we have captured for you the key moments and messages from Prof. Massimo Colombo, Chairman of the EASL International Liver Foundation; Prof. Jeffrey V. Lazarus and Tatjana Reic, President of European Liver Patients’ Association.
Press releases from the international press conference can be found here: