High-level policy meeting. Improving Prevention in the EP new mandate agenda. The case of liver cancer
On February 20, 2024, ELPA hosted a roundtable on liver cancer.
Invited speakers were:
–Marco Greco, President of the European Patients Forum (EPF)
–Alessandro Gallina, Policy Manager, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
–Richard Price, Head of Policy, Silvia Romeo, Policy Officer, European Cancer Organisation (ECO)
–Gertrude Buttigieg, Chairperson, Malta Health Network (MHN)
–Lili Gundelach, Medical and Scientific Project Coordinator, Digestive Cancer Europe (DiCE
The discussion revolved around inequities in access to cancer care and how we can work together in the scope of prevention and better health literacy, early diagnosis and treatment.
A large group of MEPs endorsed the event through video messages.
The entire roundtable can be rewatched here.