ELPA Educational Training – DAY TWO, 24th June 2020
The second day of the virtual ELPA Educational training was held on June 24, 2020. After a short introduction by ELPA President Marko Korenjak, Dr. Teresa Casanovas Taltavull took the floor.
During her presentation all the attendees had the possibility to listen to a detailed overview about optimising outcomes in patients with Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE), a complication of cirrhosis. A very hot topic as HE is a reversible syndrome of impaired brain function occurring in patients with advanced liver diseases. As usual, Dr. Casanovas Taltavull was able to translate extremely complex medical contents into something very clear and useful for the entire liver patients’ communities.
A quick Q&A session led the participants to the coffee break followed by a workshop on HCC by Achim Kautz. His presentation was composed by two parts. The first one was focused on HCC medical aspects and the second one on HCC policy aspects.
An animated debate followed, especially because Mr. Kautz gave to the audience many stimulating insights and a lot of food for thought. One of the most interesting characteristic of this session was the involvement of the attendees who were able to discuss the situation in their own countries making examples, sharing good practices and complaining about the lack of services or their quality.
Before the end of the meeting ELPA President, Marko Korenjak reminded everybody the topics of the next Wednesday’s ELPA Educational training webinar. Inviting the audience to join on July 1, for another exciting ELPA training day.