Hepar Centar Bitola, Macedonia
“HEPAR CENTAR- Bitola” is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profitable organization in the field of public health and health care. Hepar Center was established to act in the field of awareness and transmitting infectious viruses, especially hepatitis.
The activities of “HEPAR CENTAR- Bitola’’ are directed to:
- education and prevention of youth, risk groups and general population;
- detection and counseling;
- promoting new solutions and approaches for treatment of patients who suffer from hepatitis and other transmitted infectious viruses;
- protection of their rights, combat with discrimination, marginalization and stigmatization.
Most important achievements:
The First International Conference in Macedonia was organized by “HEPAR CENTAR’’
on theme “Hepatitis in Macedonia and the EU“ was held on March 26, 2013 in Bitola
Participants at the conference were competent people( doctors, patients, NGO)
who gave their views on various aspects and areas such as: infect logy, psychiatry,
microbiology, gynecology, transfusion, dialysis, Epidemiology and socio-economic
aspects of hepatitis.
Milan Mishkovikj